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Writer's pictureBrian Sherwood

What We're Following July 10, 2019

Machine Learning to Help Make New Discoveries Within Old Research

I am not afraid of technology “per se” but I often question our laissez-faire attitude towards its implementation and design. However, when technology is applied to aide in human development and help us progress then I become excited. This article is a great example of applying technology to conduct analysis and come back with new potential insights to investigate. This article talks about how an analysis of many past research publications was conducted in order to uncover some insights that could be gained by linking he different information together. The end result, was they were able to synthesize huge amounts of data quickly to hone in on some thermoelectric materials advancements. Pretty cool application of technology.

Financial Literacy a Problem With Younger Individuals

Here’s an article about some of the challenges the youth (18-29 year olds) regarding some of the basics of financial literacy and debt/saving strategies. I might argue that the same could have been true when I was in those age ranges, BUT regardless, we should all be coming out of high school with some core concepts. This is a local newspaper calling out some of the resources available in their area, but does anyone know of some basic financial literacy programs here in CT? Also, anyone have tips when it comes to in-home teaching (i.e., inclusion in financial matters, teaching techniques, etc.).

We NEED More of This - Intergenerational Play.

I came across this announcement for an intergenerational dance that was published on the Republican Eagle newspaper website. While watching a video of a past version, I couldn’t help but think how this could have wider scope and how it could attract more High School / College / Young Adult participation. But the concept is great; creating a sense of community and connectedness across people from all different walks of life.

Should Companies Be Seen as Moral Beacons?

This is a question I have been thinking about in today’s political climate and found this blog post to be a helpful starting point. For sure, companies have consistently taken moral stands throughout time, whether in community sponsorship, advocacy or at larger national levels (patriotism, etc.). This isn’t a new thing, but in some cases it now can feel like companies are becoming a moral authority and I question whether or not that is a good thing. I’m just starting to inform my opinion on it, and while I can agree that ideals of inclusion, etc. make complete sense, there is the other side of me that meets that with skepticism. For example, will companies draw a moral line across cultural divides in different countries or merely reflect the ideals of the culture at hand? Will companies endure financial hardship at the expense of a moral decision? If they chase bottom line results as a justification for a stance, are they truly “upright?”

If you have other articles on the pros and cons of companies as moral compasses, please send them along.

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