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Writer's pictureBrian Sherwood

What We're Following July 25, 2019

Social Security Fraud; “By Social Security Employees”

This sad story describes the guilty plea and alleged co-conspirators that bilked the Social Security Administration out of $480,000. The extremely sad thing about this is that the money they are stealing is often meant for people who really need the money. The penalties are indeed stiff for these fraudsters and hopefully they can help convince others to be wary about abusing an employee security clearance in order to commit a crime. The employee involved here shouldn’t be used as an example of the employees as a whole, but they do represent the vulnerabilities of some of our most important systems.

An Over 60 Model and Her Story

This blog post from Blake Newby is an interview with model JoAni Johnson (here’s her instagram:, a 67 year old model who started modeling after 60. Quite honestly, this is a nice interview with a person who seems really grounded about her later in life success and it discusses some broader ideas around career rebirth later in life BUT also how it can mirror career questions we have at ALL stages in our life. In other words, we’re really not that different when we take a leap of faith into the unknown.

I also find her stance on the term “anti-aging” mentioned in the interview. She admits that it has no impact on her when thinking of beauty products - she neither thinks it is positive or negative. I’m not really a big fan of rewriting copy based on limited definition of terms, but also agree that context is key (marketing or not).

Esports Intergenerational Program Finds Common Ground

Esports? What’s that? Well many know that it is one of the fastest growing extracurricular activity of youth around the world (and of their parents). It is based on multiplayer games like Smite, Call of Duty and more. There are even professional gamers in worldwide leagues that generate huge attendance and followings online. I was surprised to find this post about an Esports league meant to bring youth together with adults. What they discuss is the benefit that the interaction generated by uniting people together around and activity, and the intergenerational sharing that then happens. They started to see how similar the stresses affecting youth and adults can often be the same and remedies can also be the same (i.e., exercise and diet, etc.). When we come together around common activities like this, we can come back to mutual respect AND eventually find common ground so that we can connect at a more meaningful level.

The Importance of Relational Networking

Forbes contributor Andy Molinsky interviewed entrepreneur Ronit Avni (the CEO and founder of Localized, a career technology platform) about networking your career. The key takeaway is that networking is relational rather than transactional. Listening is a key skill as you are trying to learn more about the people and companies you are networking with. She also provides a couple of good questions as examples of how someone can ask a meaningful question to get the conversation started.

Best Restaurants Connecticut Magazine

I’m going more local here, but I love good restaurant picks and Connecticut Magazine always provides some great new places to check out. Here’s the reader’s picks for 2019 for the Best in CT.

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