Some Fun Comics About Generation Gap Humor
This is a bit on the lighter side of content, but sometimes humor can talk to some of the stereotypes and biases we express when interacting across generations. If we can't laugh at ourselves, then life is just going to pass by slower while we live longer ;)
Being a Senior Citizen Isn't a Bad Label - It Leads to Discounts AND Free Learning
Here's an article from the Penny Hoarder, one of my favorite publications that calls out creative ways to get more money in your pocket (I.e., earning more or saving more). In this article they call out places where your age can get you discounts or free education opportunities. Certainly worth checking out for your own interests or for those of loved ones you know. In Connecticut, those 62 years or older can get fees waived at certain state institutions for part-time or full-time degree related courses.
Daycare Affordability
Here's an article from that talks about some of the challenges people with young kids who need daycare face - from affordability to levels of quality, etc. Costs of daycare have increased nearly twice as much as median incomes, but that's likely because the quality has increased. This will continue to be a challenge for those young families when looking at job selection, competitiveness and so on as less and less families choose a single earner lifestyle. It's certainly a challenge, but an opportunity as well for businesses to look at creative ways to keep top talent loyal when dealing with the financial stresses of high monthly daycare costs.
Some Tips for Coping With The Loss of a Loved One
Here's some information from the APA (American Psychological Association) about ways to deal with the loss of a loved one. In addition to seeking help when needed they have some helpful tips like "helping others who are dealing with the loss". If you are dealing with a loss, it can be healing to help others who are dealing with the loss.
A Cool Exercise to Consider Your Future Career
A colleague recently posted this article on LinkedIn. It identifies an approach for people to look at what kinds of future jobs they hope are created that might be their dream jobs. It's a fairly simple exercise essentially focusing on current disruptive tech or innovations, then thinking about industries and then creating the right job titles. When you apply this construct, you can quickly start down the road to inventing your future dream job. Certainly worth a read for people of all generations.