Gaming - Ageism that’s Unjustified
When we think gaming we often think younger generations and kids, but remember that video games have been around since the 70s and arcades since long before that. Gaming build be a true multigenerational uniting factor if more people let go of the stereotype that gaming is a young person’s activity. Here’s s cool article as such.
Parents of Children with Special Needs Concerned for Upcoming School Year
With Covid as a major question mark for yet upcoming school year, those parents with special needs kids are really wondering what the environment will be like at home or at school. Some of the policies have parents concerned about how and what their children will be doing. This video from a South Carolina news station walks through some of these very real concerns and procedural considerations. Listen so you might better understand what someone you know may be going through.
Is 2020 the Year of the Career Pivot?
2020 is showing its teeth at every corner. Covid the principal antagonizer causing economic distress and disruption. As such many are talking about how this year is the year people think about making a change.
