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Writer's pictureBrian Sherwood

What We're Following Today January 8, 2020

Well Said, Why Intergenerational “Warfare” Is a Mug’s Game

Well said, well said, well said – this opinion piece written in Maclean’s by Anne Kingston gets at the heart of why platforms like ours at Generation Bridge are important.  Class and intersectional warfare are classic ways that we as humans try to apply order to an otherwise chaotic world.  Groupings allow us to create an other category against whom we can focus our ire.

Most of the time, these categories are based in “some” reality but break down quickly the second we delve into what’s important – individual merit.  Collaboration is needed rather than segregation.  It’s easy and we actually feel “special” when we think things like - “in my day we did...” or “you can’t possibly understand what it’s like to be “us” because our problems are new and different than ever before.”

But when we get together and talk, we 1) enter into conversation with respect and 2) instantly know where our assumptions have been off or even better we forget all about our assumptions because we are just concentrating on the interaction.  This article gets at the dangers we open ourselves up to when we choose to buy into marketing / demographic theories as all-encompassing truth.  The fact is that we buy into these theories because we “want” to, and it makes our lives easier to believe these demographic theories than to hunker down, get together and have real conversations.  Great article worth the time to read.

Generation Bridge is about coming at issues from the individual perspective with a recognition that at certain life stages we are often dealing with similar issues.  Wisdom can be passed across different generational breaks because of shared experiences – not just because of what year you were born.

Family Lawyer In UK Has Tips for Divorcing Families

The caveat here is that this is in the UK and of course laws will be different where ever you are.  When all other possible outcomes have failed, and divorce is inevitable, then you should consider getting legal counsel to understand your rights and potential best options for the future.

Even though this is in the UK the advice is fantastic across many levels.  Divorce is VERY hard and extremely difficult, but it is also hyper individual.  Amicable separations are best as they leave less room for pain and resentment later on.  Add kids into the mix and being friendly becomes all the more important.

If you are dealing with separation or divorce, or know someone who is, this might be a helpful all around post to get some good foundations for how to approach it.  When you are pulling apart two people who were united as one, it is not hard to imagine the difficulty of that task.  Every element of a couple’s life is intertwined, and both partners have access to a wealth of information about the other partner that can be used for “good” or for “evil.”  Please choose “good.”

Perhaps the most important element of the article is the need to get help / support.  You shouldn’t have to go through this on your own, and you don’t have to.  

9 Things Parents of Infants Should “Actually” Worry About

This post on is helpful at navigating the things we all worry about when a newborn baby is set to arrive in our home.  While we enjoy a low infant mortality rate in the US, we are higher than other developed countries.  That said, when we’re going to doctor’s visits and such, the number of things we get concerned about can get overwhelming pretty quickly.  This post helps to identify some of the most common things we need to prep for and/or control for where possible.

There are some surprising things – grim but surprising.  Infants in hot cars makes the list, but 53 infants lost their lives in 2018 because of hot cars.  We hear about it all the time in the media, and rightfully so, but when we look at other stats, it is not as prevalent (example: infant homicide occurred 302 times in 2017, and 1,100 deaths from suffocation among those 3 months to 1 year old).  

So yes, grim, but helpful too and maybe something to consider when thinking about ways to help US infant mortality rates.  I know we’ve done it twice before in our house, but we have the third coming and it’s always good to have a refresher on how we need to prep the nursery, etc.

Children’s Anxiety In the Classroom

Here’s a helpful article on ways to recognize anxiety in the classroom.  My girls aren’t old enough for some of the recommendations in this, but we do keep our eyes out for changes in behaviors, etc. Because the earlier we can get them to deal with anxiety, the less they will be a slave to it later in life.  It’s crazy, but if a young child can find ways to cope early on, they won’t need to deal with it later on.

Currently we know we’re in the middle of a phase, but our oldest girl is worried about “us”.  At bedtime she wants to know where mom and dad are, if we are leaving, etc.  But it’s escalated to more than just asking the question and truly disturbs her. Lots of reassurance is given, but it is often not enough, and we are trying to get her to answer he own questions, so hopefully that will work, but it’s got to be hard when you are a kid and recognizing how little control you have over the world.  Hopefully it will pass soon – any advice always appreciated (tips to help get her onto a path where she doesn’t sweat the small stuff as much). 

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