When it comes to Covid-19, our world is rapidly evolving and changing. Everyday there are new developments - some that make us more worried and some that inspire hope. At Generation Bridge we believe that the more we share our own individual stories and those of others, the more we shorten the learning curve as people don’t have to make the same mistakes.
Caregiver Questions Around Covid-19
For those in a caregiver role (professionally or for a loved one), here’s a helpful post from Dailycaring.com on the proper things to do when caring for someone else and trying to protect them from infection. They have common questions caregivers are asking like how to disinfect items coming in, primary surfaces to disinfect, etc.
My Wife’s Going to Give Birth in A Month...What Will the World Look Like Then?
No one has a crystal ball, but with everything spreading the way it is, we have to own up to the fact that in 30 days there is a chance that the healthcare system “could” be swamped. So what do we do when the time comes for the boy to make his way into the world?
These are not great questions to be asking, and sure they are a bit “doomsday” focused, but we are planners and we’d rather have a plan than not. So my wife spoke with her doctor this AM about the plan at the hospital and I called the hospital today to see if they had a public facing plan; what of this is so prevalent at that time that they have to use beds in other wings to deliver services for Covid sufferers?
The good news that we got was that hospitals can’t promise that they wouldn’t shudder the maternity ward to make the beds available but they generally said that the maternity ward would be one of, if not “the” last wing to get commandeered because babies are always coming into the world and the services are needed. That said, they also said that they are in constant contact with the doctors and will update them with the info that is needed and they of course would update us. Perhaps they would direct us to another Yale New Haven hospital or some other place, but they will definitely have a plan. That was reassuring.
Her doctors also said that likely they would be shortening the length of stay for healthy natural child birth. So rather than being there 3 days we may only be there for 1 day in order to minimize risk of exposure and to free up potential staff if needed throughout the hospital.
But it also raises other questions. When the time comes, we had planned on having Juliana’s parents watch the girls while we went to the hospital. That plan becomes something we need to set contingencies for as well. It would be great to be able to follow this plan, but maybe we won’t be able to...so having a backup plan isn’t such a bad thing. Our daycare is currently closed until further notice. But that means that some of our first teachers may be available if we had to make the call.
It’s tough to go down these war games paths, but ultimately we get a few little insights that help us develop the plan on how to react when/if the need arises. Fingers crossed that this thing plays out much less serious than it could be, but we all need to take the precaution to plan for how bad this could be...
It’s all so unsure at the moment and we are all just trying to get our bearings. If we calm down for a bit and stop trying to be “right” for a moment, perhaps we can get passed the stuff that is temporary and find the best in us - be kind, support your fellow man and put others ahead of yourself when the moments arise. There are moments of greatness that will appear throughout all this confusion and fear!