One of the Best Businesses I Have Ever Seen
A friend of mine sent me this Today Show piece about a woman and her business that she started with her father.
Watch this video if you want to see a way that someone can make a real difference by putting people in front of each other and driving REAL connection.
Neighbor’s Table ( is a business between Sarah Harmeyer and her father Lee that creates dialog and communication around a table - for a meal or something else. To date the two have made more than 241 hand-crafted tables as part of what’s now the duo’s business, Neighbor’s Table. Access the video below:
Managing Chronic Illness
Did you know that nearly 7% of people aged 18-23 might be living with some sort of chronic illness? How about their needs as they transition into their next phase of life or college? Do they have the skills needed to cope / adapt successfully?
These and other questions are important to recognize. Feel free to read more here:
Formal research cited in article:
When Losing Out On An Opportunity Works In Your Favor
They looked at over 1,000 people who had narrow wins in securing funding and close losses where they did not secure funding for their projects. What they found isn’t surprising, but it is encouraging. We all experience set backs in life, but setbacks can often put us on another path to success and test our resilience. Click below to read a little more of the science and analysis that supports that assertion.
Granny State - Cameras To Prevent Elder Abuse
I know I have heard that elder abuse is a problem in some institutions and across some people. Frankly it is always surprising to hear about instances where elders are physically or emotionally tormented by people meant to care for them. Humans are imperfect in so many ways, but we can all use different methods to check our guttural emotional reactions to try to prevent these kinds of things from happening.
Security cameras are now being considered, but with anything like this, it comes with a lot of procedural questions, rights issues, and personal preferences about sharing “too much.” As with most problems, there are many shades of gray on what is right for any particular situation. What is needed is more coverage to make sure we protect our elders. Maybe cameras in the rooms aren’t ideal for privacy reasons, but there could be an opportunity for employees to wear cameras to 1) protect themselves from being exposed to liability suits and 2) to review a complaint and provide proof of abuse.
Tough to say, but to read the full article look below: