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Writer's pictureBrian Sherwood

What We're Following Today October 2, 2020

Today I wanted to call a little attention to some programming happening in the next week or two.

Are You (Too?) Cozy in your Covid Nest?

Generation Bridge is hosting webinar on an intriguing topic on Thursday October 8, 2020 dealing with Health and Wellness issues around Covid AND how we can emerge from our homes with confidence - to try to return back to “normal.”

Linda Gottlieb is a veteran personal fitness trainer, coach and author, who for over 30 years has helped folks embrace EXERCISE for healthy and happy aging, disease management (even cancer) and rapid pre and post surgical recovery.

She will address:

  • Create vs. Consume- How your approach to quarantine can be a blessing or a curse

  • "Green" Exercise- What the earth can teach you about resilience, restoring and rebuilding body and mind

  • How to Comeback Stronger- by PLAYING to Win

Ann Dyke is a Registered Nurse with 33 years of experience in an Emergency Setting and working with elders in the community primarily with fall prevention.

Her main goal is to help people remain healthy in their homes and her session will address:

  • Masks: the how to’s. What are the differences and how to wear them safely.

  • Healthy tips on medications, nutrition and staying active.

Register for this Webinar:

Taking Care of Mom and Dad During the Pandemic - October 8, 2020

Our Generation Bridge friend Colin Healy will be participating in an online panel dealing with the challenges caregivers and offspring have had in caring for a parent during this Covid crisis. It takes place on October 8 at 1:30 pm - and competes with our own Covid Nest presentation, but the topic is VERY important and if it’s more important to you than our presentation, please attend. We are about helping people find answers to their life challenges - so here’s a great place to hear from others who are dealing with the same stresses you might be; learn from each other.

Alzheimer’s Becoming a Concrete Caregiver:

The Alzheimer’s Association in NY is hosting a series of online segments that address some of the caregiver challenges faced available from November 1 - November 30.

“Taylor Kuzel, MPH, HSM of the Alzheimer’s Association will present a variety of practical caregiving tips that translate into actionable solutions for dementia caregiving. Topics include disease education, advanced planning, communication, organization tools, and how to create meaningful connections. The goal is to improve a person’s caregiving journey by reducing feelings of burden and stress.”

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