Generation Bridge Caregiver & Aging Conference
We’re almost here. This Saturday will be our day to present attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers a chance to learn from each other in ways that will inform the challenges we all experience in life as we age or take on caregiver roles.
Positive note: The Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging has signed on as a title sponsor!!!! We are gracious for their support and appreciate that it gives us a chance to offer our attendees more and support continued efforts to help others navigate the caregiver life. Because of this support we are happy to say that we will have Pizza during the break and water and light snacks available throughout the day! Hooray!!!!
There’s still time to register. Click below.
Generation Bridge Caregiver & Aging Conference Schedule
The schedule is up and available. Click below to see the timeline and sessions available to choose from. Also, we’ll have agencies and table top sponsors in the ballroom lobby. If some content isn’t your cup of tea...then you can always talk to people or volunteers at the event about some of your specific questions.
Sessions descriptions:
A Video On Where to Park and How to Walk / Take the Shuttle to the Michael J. Adanti Student Center
Parking is available at the Wintergreen Garage. Directions to Southern Connecticut State University are available on the Gen Bridge website here:
I had a few questions about the shuttle and way to get to the student center from the parking garage. Shuttles will run all day in a loop from the garage to the student center starting at 7:30 am and running until 4:30 pm. The walk from the Wintergreen Garage to the student center is basically a straight shot and takes about 6-8 minutes at a leisurely pace. I did it in 6 minutes last Friday. But I have a video that shows the walk so people can get acclimated to what the garage looks like and what the walk feels like. Click below.